of The Chair
In the quest to gather information on the origins of
the lambing chair, one source proved invaluable: Dr. Bernard Cotton,
co-founder and current president of the Regional Furniture Society
in the United Kingdom. Dr. Cotton, a noted scholar in the field
of British regional furniture, provided us with the historical
background for the chair, and its function in eighteenth and nineteenth
century rural England.
Cotton's book, The English Regional Chair, a comprehensive
study of domestic country furniture, along with The Journal
of the Regional Furniture Society, is an excellent resource
in this area. In his book, Dr. Cotton writes about this type of
The 'box' form of winged armchair made in the Lancashire
and Yorkshire Dales is an extremely diverse and comfortable regional
of chair which is peculiar to this region.
Typically chairs of this style are large, and were
probably intended for use by the male head of the household. However,
occasional smaller versions of this chair style have been recorded
which have the same stylistic connotations as the low armed rush
seated chairs from the North West, and were probably made for
use by female members of the household.
great variety of individual designs found in this group of chairs
suggests that they were made by cabinet makers or carpenters for
an individual order, rather than working in the tradition of the
turner who made many chairs in the same design. These chairs were,
perhaps, the most comfortable and commodious made in the English
common chair tradition, and… (held) the pride of place at the
evidence has claimed that these chairs were 'lambing' chairs,
a title which suggests that they were used by shepherds who sat
up during the night to oversee their flocks. This belief is probably
apocryphal, although by the nature of their regional origins in
the sheep farming countryside, they would, no doubt, often have
been used at home by shepherds.
For Further Information:
The English Regional
Chair, Bernard D. Cotton, Antique Collectors' Club
English Country Furniture: 1500-1900,
David Knell, Antique Collectors' Club
Available at: www.Antiquecc.com
The Journal of Regional Furniture Society
Available at: www.RegionalFurnitureSociety.com